Why Married Spirituality?

Welcome to MarriedSpirituality.com
the official website for Married Spirituality.

The purpose of this site is to develop a forum for dialogue, information flow and greater understanding of what Married Spirituality is.

We invite you to interact in whatever way you would like to broaden the scope of learning around this great subject, whether married or single or accompanying others in their married journey.

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Pope Francis guides us in the Art of Conjugal Love in Amoris Laetitia:
    • “Love makes each wait for the other with the patience of a craftsman,
      a patience which comes from God”.
    • “the primary objective is to help each to learn how to love this very real
      person with whom he or she plans to share his or her whole life”.
    • “The family is the first school of human values, where we learn the
      wise use of freedom”
    • “At each new stage of married life, there is a need to sit down and renegotiate agreements, so that there will be no winner and losers, but rather two winners”
    • “The strength of the family lies in its capacity to love and to teach how to love. For all a family’s problems, it can always grow, beginning with love”.
    • Pope Francis presents couples with a pathway:
      If..….………love is a relationship, then it is a reality that grows, and we can also say by way of example that it is built up like a home. And a home is built together, not alone.


      When Chief Rabbi of England Jonathan Sacks wrote of the value of such a relationship on life’s journey:
      Marriage is the most personal and intimate of all forms of human association, and the deepest matrix of faith. We can face any future without fear if we know we will not face it alone. There is no redemption of solitude deeper than to share a life with someone we love and trust, who we know will never desert us, who lifts us when we fall and believes in us when we fail.


      Another view:
      There is an altogether positive and uplifting aspect of marriage which one would like to see being made known to our world. Given that in our time, just as in every other era, the human heart remains inhabited by the irrepressible hope of achieving perfect love in marriage.
      Pere Henri Caffarel – Equipes Notre-Dame